Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Press: Woman's Day Issue May 2012

You may have noticed in your May issue of Woman's Day Magazine the Good Shepherd Center for Woman and Children made the issue! We are so happy and incredibly grateful to Ayn-Monique for writing the article about the project and to show the talents of just some of the designers that participated. You can also view the images online here and read the article. Thank you again Ayn-Monique and everyone who donated and to all the designers that took the time to decorate these rooms!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New Press: Trad Home Spring 2012

Vanessa Kogevinas and I are so happy to announce that our Good Shepherd Charity Design Project is featured in the new Spring issue of Trad Home. If you would like to view the article it starts on page 94. We cannot thank Ann, Jenny and Darra enough for supporting us with this project. (*You can view our first press with TradHome last year here. We also want to thank all of the amazing and talented designers that brought forward the most spectacular designs and were so wonderful to work with. Also we want to thank all the vendors that helped donate these great products so that our rooms could be extra special for those in need.

We have waited for our GSCDP press to hit the stands and internet and will be posting all the rooms on the GSCDP blog soon.

We will be working on our next charity project in the coming months so please stay tuned. If you would like to donate product, give money/gift cards, or donate your time as a designer please email me directly we always need the help. If you are a large corporation or store please contact me directly to go over the details of our upcoming projects.

And thank you to everyone who has helped us and supported us along this journey! If you would like to donate to The Good Shepherd Center for Homeless Women and Children please see their website here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Submit your favorite Shelter!


Submit your favorite homeless shelter or charity center for us to redesign!

Vanessa Squared Productions is on the hunt for our NEXT project and we are listening to you. Please (comment here) the name of a homeless shelter in the Los Angeles area as well as a contact name, an email address, and a website (if there is one) and your submission will be carefully reviewed. The selected shelter will be announced soon!

Feel free to repost and spread the word!

Check out our latest project at The Teen Project Venice.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thank you Apartment Therapy

Thank you Apartment Therapy for a great post on our Good Shepherd Charity Design Project. Lots of dedication, time and energy from each of the designers went into creating these beautiful rooms. Enjoy the post, you can read it here.